To place an order, select the quantity and characteristics (size/colour/length/etc.) of your product and click ‘Add to Cart’. Continue doing this until your shopping cart you have everything you want to order.
You can also click ‘Buy Now’ to take you straight to the purchase page.
When your cart has everything, click on the ‘Cart’ icon in the top right of the screen. Check all the items in your cart and then click ‘Proceed to checkout’. You can also change the quantity of each item on this page.
Now either sign-in to your account (icon top right of page) or enter in your shipping details and password to create a new account. Please confirm the shipping method (including delivery comments), any discounts or gift cards you are using and all the items in the order are correct.
Now click ‘Place Order’ and enter in your details to PayPal and click accept. We will process your order and keep you updated every step of the way.